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Apr 4

Vaginal Rejuvenation: Meaning, Benefits, And Insights

Posted on Thursday, April 4, 2024 in Plastic Surgery

Vaginal Rejuvenation: The Ultimate Guide

Vaginal rejuvenation refers to a set of medical procedures designed to improve the aesthetic appearance or functional capabilities of the vagina, restoring it to a more youthful or pre-childbirth state. Such interventions can involve both surgical and non-surgical treatments, depending on a patient’s particular requirements and preferences.

While the term ‘vaginal rejuvenation’ is used broadly, it encompasses various procedures such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, clitoral hood reduction, hymenoplasty, vulvoplasty and other treatments related to vaginal health.

Labiaplasty, one of the most common procedures, is used primarily to reduce elongated labia, an issue that may cause discomfort during sexual intercourse or when wearing certain types of clothing. Vaginoplasty, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive surgery aimed at tightening the vagina, thereby enhancing sensations during sexual intimacy. The procedure also addresses complications related to childbirth, such as pelvic organ prolapse.

Non-surgical treatments include laser therapy, radiofrequency treatments, and platelet-rich plasma injections. Laser therapy utilizes laser energy to promote collagen production, thereby tightening vaginal tissues. Radiofrequency treatments, likewise, stimulate collagen growth but use radio waves instead of laser energy. Platelet-rich plasma injections leverage growth factors in a patient’s blood to stimulate rejuvenation in and around the vagina.

Vaginal rejuvenation is not just about physical appearance; it also greatly improves a woman’s quality of life. It can alleviate discomfort during sex, reduce urinary incontinence, and restore self-confidence, amongst other benefits.

However, it’s worth noting that as with any medical procedure, vaginal rejuvenation has its risks and drawbacks. These may include infection, changes in sensation, scarring, and pain during intercourse. Also, the cost can be high, varying based on the specific procedure, the practitioner’s expertise, and geographical location. This financial factor is relevant for many when deciding to undergo rejuvenation or any cosmetic procedure. For example, the penile enlargement cost Beverly Hills is high due to the area’s living standard and the expertise of practitioners available.

Critics have questioned the need for vaginal rejuvenation, citing the natural variations in female genitalia and arguing against the creation of unrealistic aesthetic standards. There’s also ongoing debate over the use of these procedures for purely cosmetic reasons rather than medical necessity.

However, these treatments can be life-changing for women who have suffered from childbirth-related vaginal damage, age-related atrophy, or other physical issues causing discomfort or distress. They offer an opportunity to regain bodily autonomy and a positive sexual identity.

To summarize, vaginal rejuvenation is a set of procedures aiming to improve the appearance and function of the vagina. While it does come with potential risks and costs, for some, the benefits far outweigh these considerations. It is a personal decision, and anyone considering such a treatment should do so after thorough research and consultation with a qualified medical practitioner.

Dec 30

Guide To The Best Plastic Surgeons

Posted on Saturday, December 30, 2023 in Plastic Surgery

The world of plastic surgery is vast and varied, with many specialists making a name for themselves around the globe. However, for those searching for the absolute best, your journey may well lead you to the elite circle of surgeons practicing in the United States. From facelifts to rhinoplasty, these experts offer transformative procedures sought after by clients worldwide. This article will shine a spotlight on some of the truly remarkable individuals in this field, culminating with someone many have called the best facelift New York has to offer.

Leaders in the Field

Perhaps one of the best-known names in this arena is Dr. Paul Nassif, based in Beverly Hills. A specialist in facial plastic surgery, especially rhinoplasty, Dr. Nassif has earned a reputation for his expertise and eye for detail. He makes regular appearances in the media and has been featured on the hit reality TV show, Botched.

Moving eastwards, Dr. Raj Kanodia in Los Angeles is highly regarded for creating ‘the most natural nose job.’ In addition to his Hollywood A-list clientele, he is proud of the fact that many of his patients’ results are so subtle that even close friends and family are unaware they’ve had work done.

On the other coast, in Miami, Dr. Alan Serure is celebrated for his work in body contouring. His meticulous approach to liposuction, tummy tucks, and mommy makeovers has garnered him a loyal following and consistent accolades from industry insiders.

The Best Facelift in New York

Amid an impressive roster of plastic surgeons in the Big Apple, one name frequently springs to mind when considering facelifts: Dr. Andrew Jacono. With his remarkable track record of success, Jacono has established himself as an authority in the world of facial plastic surgery. His grand commitment to innovation, patient care, and extraordinary results have conferred upon him a position of prestige — many believe he offers the best facelift New York can provide.

In his state-of-the-art center, Jacono implements a variety of groundbreaking techniques designed to produce natural-looking results with minimal downtime. He is known for his signature deep-plane facelift, which lifts the muscles and fat pads of the face as a single unit to prevent the stretched or wind-blown appearance that can sometimes result from traditional facelift procedures.

Dr. Jacono’s reputation extends beyond the confines of Manhattan, attracting patients from around the globe. His revolutionary techniques have redefined the landscape of facial rejuvenation, raising the bar for his peers while providing his clients with a level of transformation that truly warrants the title of the best facelift New York has on offer.


When it comes to choosing a plastic surgeon, the decision is profoundly personal. Objectively speaking, however, the surgeons highlighted in this article represent a certain pinnacle of excellence within this multifaceted field. From the west coast to the east, they have revolutionised their respective areas of expertise and, in the process, have changed lives. It is their unrelenting commitment to perfection and patient satisfaction that truly sets them apart from their peers.

This analysis concludes with a spotlight on Dr. Jacono, renowned for providing the best facelift New York can present to the world. Whether you are considering this or another transformative procedure, trust in your decision and remember that the end goal is not merely a physical change but an enhancement of your overall sense of self.

Sep 28

Benefits Of Hair Transplantation In Kolkata

Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2023 in Plastic Surgery

Benefits of Hair Transplantation in Kolkata


sarita kreative

Losing hair beyond control? If so, you are not alone to experience such a terrible condition. Hair fall is one of the worst dermatological problems in our country. Interestingly, the hair fall is no more restricted to the aged people alone. A young girl of fifteen may also experience uncontrollable hair fall due to many reasons. When the loss of hair takes you to a situation of baldness, you should opt for hair transplantation in Kolkata. Hair transplantation is a popular type of cosmetic surgery that involves minimum risk and maximum results. You should know the basic benefits of hair transplantation in order to be prepared for one.

The primary benefit of hair transplantation is on your overall appearance. Does it ever feel good to step out with a baldhead? People with baldness often find it hesitating and ashamed to face people. Premature baldness has its negative impact on one s confidence level. The main task of hair transplant in Kolkata is to help people regaining their confidence. With help of this effective cosmetic treatment, you would get back your lost confidence. Another advantage of hair transplant is the naturalness of the hair implanted through the process. The implanted hairs look like original. Some advanced therapies have been invented that have made hair growth possible too.

Even though

Hair Transplantation In Kolkata

is classified under cosmetic treatment, the hair do you end up is almost 100% natural. In this process, no foreign substance unlike breast implant is applied in hair transplantation. As a matter of fact, after the recovery period, even you would not recognize yourself in the mirror. As the implanted hair is natural, you can perm, color, style, and tie it the way you like. Hair replacement is in fact the safest cosmetic treatment followed by most of the people suffering from baldness. This is much effective to make a man looking younger. Moreover, a man/woman can choose his/her hairstyle at the time of hair transplantation.


Once you have had a

Hair Transplant In Kolkata

, you can leave the serums and pills for good. The cost of hair replacement has also come down to great extent in the recent times. However, you should not feel miser to invest in this treatment, as this is a onetime treatment that brings permanent result. Once you are done with the treatment, you could be free from those various hair problems such as dandruff, split ends, and hair fall. You would no more require to spend hundreds of dollars on the hair products every month. The newly implanted hairs need no additional maintenance.

Let s discover the benefits of hair transplantation in Kolkata in brief.

?A person who has undergone hair transplant would look better after the treatment.

?The person would have additional confidence.

?The person would definitely regain the donor hairs that were used for the therapy.

?Transplanted hairs grow naturally, but are not affected easily with hair fall.

?Hair transplantation is the only long-lasting cure for baldness.

Sarita kreative is an expert in the field of

Hair Transplant in India

. She is writting articles, blogs and other news previews based on

Breast Surgery in India

, cosmetic surgery, hair transplant in Kolkata and other surgeries as well.

Article Source:

Sep 11

Are You Searching Tips On Cosmetic Surgery For Summer 2013?

Posted on Monday, September 11, 2023 in Plastic Surgery

Are You Searching Tips On Cosmetic Surgery For Summer 2013?


Dr. Deidra Blanks

Cosmetic surgery is an interesting procedure that, has been used by doctors for years. Using modifications to the human body, doctors can change the appearance of any patient, in any way they desire. If this sounds appealing to you, and would like to try it, then you might want to read the following article. It gives some advice on cosmetic surgery.

Make sure you understand exactly what kind of recovery period you will be after your procedure. Many people believe they can jump right back into work. While this holds true for minor surgeries, it is not possible to have a large procedure without recovery time. Talk things out with your medical professional beforehand.

Always be sure to check your surgeon\’s qualifications. You can never be too careful. Never pick a surgeon based on their price alone. Check to make sure they have their license. See if they have a long history of malpractice. Look around, until you find a surgeon who seems qualified.


For men who suffer from low testosterone, a procedure called Gynecomastia is sometimes needed. Many men with low testosterone levels develop abnormally large mammary glands, which result in breast enlargement. The average cost of the procedure in the United States is $3,500.00. Although this may seem expensive, the benefits of the procedure far outweigh the cost.

Have you already checked your surgeon\’s school, and now you feel completely comfortable? Well, there is one more step that you should look into- malpractice. All malpractice lawsuits are available on the public record. This can help you to see if your potential surgeon, has had any past botch jobs.

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, make sure that you talk with others that may have had the same surgery. This is a good idea so that you can pick up on hints from people that have actually gone through the process. You will most likely be able to find support groups or forums online that deal, specifically with the type of surgery that you are considering.

If you are hoping to have plastic surgery but are short on cash, consider what you might be able to sell in your house. A simple garage sale can earn you hundreds of dollars, and get you that much closer to your procedure. This is a great way to help finance your plastic surgery, and get rid of unneeded items in your house.

When you are inquiring about a possible cosmetic surgery procedure, don\’t forget to ask about the arrangements made for anesthesia. In cosmetic surgery, anesthetization is one of the most critical (and potentially dangerous) parts of the operation. Find out who will be handling your anesthesia, and get the details on what they\’ll be doing.

You may want to join a support group and attend meeting both before and after your cosmetic procedures. These groups will help you get an idea of what to expect after your procedure and will allow you to speak with others who have had the procedure done before. These groups meet in many areas around the country.

Before you have any cosmetic surgery done, you should try to have computer imaging done first. Having a computer determine what you will look like after surgery, can help you to decide on how you would like your nose, lips, or chin done. This can help to prevent a disaster, that you may not be able to have fixed.

As mentioned before, there are many different reasons someone may be considering plastic surgery. There are also many questions one may have about plastic surgery, and how to choose the right surgeon. After reading the article above, you should have a better idea about how to determine if plastic surgery is right for you.

If you\’re looking for more information regarding a

Plastic Surgery Wilmington

visit our website today. Offering the very best in aesthetic facial and reconstructive plastic surgery in a warm, professional and friendly environment.

Article Source:

Aug 18

Reasons Maintaining A Skincare Routine Is Good For Your Health

Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023 in Plastic Surgery

In recent times great importance has been given to skincare by many brands. Also, many home-grown brands as well as high-end brands have produced different products for skin care. There is only one umbrella term under which different activities and steps can be included, such as washing the face, applying moisturiser, or even layering it up with a serum depending upon your face type and texture.

There are many different ways in which you can take care of your skin. Some people have simple five steps for taking care of their skin; other people also tend to go the long way. Skin treatment clinics is quite famous and people do visit skin clinics frequently. Listed below are some reasons for having a good skincare routine.

A Skin-Care Routine Provides Stability

A good skincare routine provides stability in life. Taking care of your screen will give you inner happiness by improving the texture of your skin at the same time. To take care of your skin you need to make a certain skincare routine that you need to follow each day. By following a step-by-step routine of skincare, you can guarantee yourself healthy skin.

Helps Stop a Worry Spiral

The act of caring for your skin further gives you a chance for mindfulness. Mindfulness is when you home in on feelings you’re encountering in the present moment without enacting judgment (the soothing feel of generous water on your skin, for example). Skincare has been shown to ease sadness and tension by quitting worry and thought.

Lightens the mood

Taking care of your skin releases chemicals in your brain which make your mood happy. Following a certain routine daily can make your mood uplifted in no time. For example, don’t underestimate the consequence of gently rubbing the skin with a warm washcloth to cleanse, putting up extra time to a silky smooth moisturizer on your face, or pertaining on a mask.

Chance to Bond With Loved Ones

Doing skincare together can be a great time to be born with loved ones. It gives the feeling that the person in the company is more caring and loving. Skincare can also boost your mood and spending time with loved ones can make you happy and productive. For example, doing facials together with your friend or with your mother or your other siblings can instantly make you feel better.


Skincare is very subjective even if we think of getting a facial it is different for one person than the other. Taking care of the skin is as important as taking care of your well-being. Anything that shows up on a screen directly affects our mood. many times people take skincare for granted and later try to have dull skin. By following a certain skincare routine even if it is a little thing, you can make a lot of difference by doing it daily and seeing the changes in your skin. Visit our beauty clinic in Melbourne and we will understand your medical history and skin concerns so we can recommend the best treatment for you. Your consultation fee will be refunded on your treatment.

Nov 10

Total Body Lift}

Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2022 in Plastic Surgery

Total Body Lift



Total body lift surgery is obliging for patients who have lost skin elasticity all over their body. Excess skin can cause harsh chafing and discomfort, as well as prevent patients from wearing clothes in a smaller size. Total body lifts tackle every part of the body that commonly accumulates fat and surplus skin: arms, breasts, abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks can all be recontoured to achieve a smooth, trim, and lifted appearance.

You may listen about total body lift surgery referred to as an upper and lower body lift. In an upper body lift, the arms are care for with an arm lift and the breasts are contoured with a breast lift. These two surgeries can be performed separately or at some stage in a mid or lower body lift.

However a total body lift is the most comprehensive way to rejuvenate your figure after massive weight loss, you need to take into account the extended recovery period required for such complex surgery. You should be ready to remain at home for up to six weeks after your total body lift surgery and to follow all instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon. Once the swelling has gone down and the scars begin to fade, the majority patients are extremely satisfied with their new appearance.


The subsequent are the individual components of body contouring:

Arm lift or brachioplasty – The extra flesh on the arms of bariatric patients virtually always appears on the underside of the upper arm and is sometimes referred to as “bat wings”. Surgeons make incisions made from the armpit to the elbow to remove the skin and create a more agreeable contour. Consequently, surgeons open the arm on its base so that the resulting scar is fairly well hidden. A brachioplasty procedure can employ some liposuction after the cut is made. With the arm opened, the surgeon pulls the skin tight and then trims away the excess skin, depending on the patient, can be a pound of skin per arm or more.

Breast lift or mastopexy – By trimming surplus tissue from the upper breast, the surgeon can move breasts which usually droop to the umbillicus to a more upright and full position. The procedure also often needs an implant to make up for lost fat and tissue inside the breast. Scars on women are approximately always hidden inside the area covered by the bra.

Stomach lift or abdominoplasty – surplus skin hanging down over the pubic region is often the distorting feature that most concerns and bothers patients. The stomach pannus retains moisture, and causes rashes because of skin rubbing against itself which usually leads to poor hygiene. As the surgical procedure to remove it is known as a panniculectomy, there is frequently more work to be done for patients who suffer from large amounts of hanging skin. To endow with improved contours on the waist, back and flanks, surgeons sometimes perform a belt lipectomy, (also known as a torsoplasty or a circumferential lumpectomy).The cut goes all the way around the patients midsection at the level of the lower waist. The surgeon uses more liposuction on the stomach and flanks while trimming excess skin from the patients back and sides too. The abdominoplasty and belt lipectomy incisions are placed so that the resulting scar is hidden within the majority underwear and swimsuits.

Lower body lift – trims surplus skin on the buttocks and thighs. For an inner thigh lift, the surgeon makes an incision lofty on the inner leg, starting near the groin and ongoing down to the knee. A number of fats may be removed with liposuction. The surgeon then removes surplus skin and redrapes the remaining skin before closing the long incision, leaving the patient with tighter and more attractive thighs.

Siamak Agha-Mohammadi, MD PhD is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. We offer Orange County Liposuction,

Lower Body Lift

, Plastic Surgery Orange County,

Total Body Lift

, and Orange County Abdominoplasty.

Article Source:

Total Body Lift}

Aug 26

Cosmetic Surgery Packages Attracting Many Medical Tourism Patients To Costa Rica

Posted on Friday, August 26, 2022 in Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery Packages Attracting Many Medical Tourism Patients to Costa Rica


Rodgers Health

Many countries have been assertively promoting Plastic Surgery Abroad,Plastic Surgery Cost,Plastic Surgery Costa Rica,Cosmetic Surgery Costa Rica with all all inclusive packages. For many years, the medical health tourism of Costa Rica started to boom and it is incontrovertibly linked to the lower Aesthetic Surgery Abroad,Aesthetic Surgery Cost,Aesthetic Surgery Costa Rica,Plastic Surgery Costa Rica, professionalism of the doctors and surgeons, and due to the modern apparatus of the country. Sometimes, the flight expenses from the U. S. to Costa Rica are particularly lower than those in other states. As a verifiable fact it\’s so cost-effective that many Americans finish up paying their airfare with the money they actually save from having cosmetic surgery done in the country. It is not surprising to someone how Costa Rica has become the specified and most well liked country that attracts thousands of medical holiday makers every year. The plastic surgery package is among the reasons explaining why medical tourists are interested in the medical tourism of the country. Costa Rica is actually the excellent choice for the American. The medical centres in the country have been burgeoning and developing while maintaining and raising their medical standards and practice to the top level. The medicare system of the country has been rapidly developed, plus it offers advanced state of the art medical centres to locals and medical tourists.


Plastic surgeries have the purpose of changing the physical looks of a person. Routinely it isn\’t covered under the medical insurance plans. But in plastic surgery abroad like in Costa Rica, it can occasionally be as much as sixty five % lower. These operations include enlargement and reduction, facelifts and other facial procedures, liposuction, lifts, and breast enhancement. Normally a patient will land in Costa Rica and then check-in at a first-class hotel and prepare for the process with its initial checkups. Costa Rican doctors went to medical colleges in the US and had authentications there. After the surgery, patients is then picked up by private transport and then recover in a breath taking and wonderful eco-environment together with 24-hour nursing care with its friendly English talking staff. In fact , you can bring a companion with you because you are able to save money. It is advised to bring someone since you want to spend some time recovering from your process. You can even save money regardless of whether your recovery time is in luxuriousness accommodations. This decrease in costs allows cosmetic surgery to be available to more medical traveller than even before. Even at a cheaper price, you\’ll still enjoy the highest quality of the plastic surgery.

Costa Rican doctors have helped thousand of medical tourists from across the entire world to have their plastic surgery process in the country. Costa Rica is offering plastic surgery packages at significant savings compared to cosmetic surgery in Canada and the US. All the cosmetic procedures are performed by globally accredited doctors and hospitals. Varied procedures, types, and prices plus the accommodations will be found in the cosmetic packages. As discussed, cosmetic surgery packages are tempting many medical tourism patients to Costa Rica.

. For many years, the medical health tourism of Costa Rica started to boom and it is incontrovertibly linked to the lower Aesthetic Surgery Abroad,

Plastic Surgery Cost

,Aesthetic Surgery Costa Rica,Plastic Surgery Costa Rica, professionalism of the doctors and surgeons, and due to the modern apparatus of the country.

Article Source:

Dec 13

Rhinoplasty Can Adjust And Enhance Your Nose’s Size And Shape

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2021 in Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty Can Adjust and Enhance Your Nose’s Size and Shape


Dave Stringham

Rhinoplasty, or nasal surgery, is popular among men and women who are dissatisfied with the size and/or shape of their nose. Being such a prominent feature, the size and shape of the nose may be the most defining characteristic of one’s face. Plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty for both cosmetic and functional (breathing) indications. Rhinoplasty surgery frequently involves the external appearance, as well as the internal structure and breathing apparatus.

Typical Reasons for Rhinoplasty Include:

* Decreasing or Increasing the Size

* Removing the Bump

* Narrowing the Nose

* Increasing or Decreasing the Projection


* Correction of a Crocked Nose

* Correction of a Hanging or Drooping Tip

* Relief of Airway Obstruction

Conditions requiring rhinoplasty may be a result of natural causes, birth defects or traumatic deformities. Frequently, patients who desire rhinoplasty are concerned that their nose appears too large or out of proportion to the face. The nose and chin are important balancing features of the profile, and can often affect one’s appearance. A small, flattened or receding chin may also be a contributing factor to a patient’s complaint of an “unattractive profile.” For these reasons, chin enlargement or augmentation or a chin implant may be considered and discussed at the time of the nasal surgery consultation as this procedure is frequently performed at the same time as rhinoplasty to improve and balance the facial proportions.

Before performing rhinoplasty, surgeons will work with the patient to agree on a treatment plan. The objective of nasal surgery varies with each individual patient, and the ideal nose varies from face to face depending on skin type, ethnic background, facial shape and proportions. The end result of rhinoplasty should reflect the agreed upon plan, and the nose should be completely natural in appearance. It should never look “operated.” Rhinoplasty can be performed after the mid-teens, when the growth spurt has ended.

Deformities of the nose can be corrected by adding to, removing, reshaping and/or rearranging bones and cartilage. Rhinoplasty can be accomplished through a closed technique, where incisions are made inside the nose only. Some surgeons perform closed nasal surgery with more minor rhinoplasty procedures, such as removing a nasal hump or narrowing the nasal bridge.

For more extensive rhinoplasty procedures, some surgeons prefer an open approach, in which an incision is also made across the columella (the skin bridge between the nostrils), which connects the internal incisions. Plastic and cosmetic surgeons believe this approach to rhinoplasty is unparalleled for exposure and accuracy for precision work with greater predictability in results. The resultant scar is generally near imperceptible. It is also at times desirable to narrow the nostrils, which generally leave near imperceptible scars as well.

The degree of nasal improvement through rhinoplasty depends on the basic structure of your nose and skin, as well as on the operative plan that is applied. Most surgeons’ goal is not to give you a new nose, but to improve and enhance your old nose in a natural way that compliments your face.

Rhinoplasty can be comfortably performed using local anesthesia with I.V. sedation or under general anesthesia. It generally takes two to three hours. Afterwards there is usually a nasal splint, sutures (stitches) and nasal packing. Nasal packing is removed in two to four days. The splint is removed in five to seven days. Internal sutures dissolve by themselves and external sutures, if used, are removed in five to seven days. Swelling and bruising around the eyes, nose and cheeks are common. Bruising is usually gone in one to two weeks.

After rhinoplasty, most of the obvious swelling resolves in several weeks after the surgery; however, it can take up to twelve months for all the swelling to resolve. Some numbness may be present for several months and optimal breathing may take weeks or months following surgery. Patients generally report being uncomfortable rather than having pain. Regardless, pain medications are always prescribed.

Most rhinoplasty patients are up and about within two days, and able to return to work or school within seven to ten days. Strenuous activity is generally avoided for four to six weeks.

Rhinoplasty Complications

As with other cosmetic surgery procedures, complications are very unlikely when rhinoplasty is performed by a skilled and competent surgeon. Complications include, but are not limited to, anesthesia risks, bleeding, infection, poor wound healing, scaring, persistent or increased deformity, breathing problems and need for revisional surgery. is an online resource for

rhinoplasty in Miami.

To learn more, please visit


Article Source:

Aug 26

Rhinoplasy Cosmetic Surgery A Coming Of Age In Hollywood

Posted on Thursday, August 26, 2021 in Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasy Cosmetic Surgery a coming of age in Hollywood


Dr Binder

Most people interested in undergoing rhinoplasty are interested in nose reshaping but aren t sure what to change. But not so in Hollywood. Ask any Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty expert, and the popular celebrity rhinoplasty trends emerge:

Trend #1: Narrowed Bridge, Thinned Some bridges are affected by bumps or crooks that can be sculpted down to meet current Hollywood standards. To complement the thinner bridge, plastic surgeons refine the tip of the nose to perfect this new look. Celebrities like Ashlee Simpson, Fergie and Beyonce refined their new look with this change even Beverly Hills Revision Rhinoplasty is becoming more acceptable in the hip streets of Beverly Hills and Hollywood.


Trend #2: Narrowed Bridge, Raised Tip This look is similar to look #1 but with one distinct difference: the tip of the nose is slightly upturned. This rhinoplasty trend is perfect for those seeking a classy, elegant appearance. Beauty icons such as Ivanka Trump, Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes undergone this cosmetic surgery to narrow their bridge and elevate the tip of their nose talk about the Beverly Hills Facelift popularity!

Trend #3: The “Naturally” Slimmer Nose If you don’t plan on making a dramatic change to your appearance, the natch technique involves narrowing and straightening the bridge of the nose. According to entertainment news reports,: Jennifer Anniston, Cameron Diaz and Ashley Tisdale all availed Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty surgeries. Wow!

A few things to keep in mind before you go and have rhinoplasty, there are some things you have to consider first. Because it can alter your entire facial appearance, therefore this should not be done in haste. You have to make sure that your decision of undergoing rhinoplasty is your personal choice, and not affected by your friends or family. The society has a standard of what makes a perfect nose. Although, it would seem ideal to have that, not all are good candidates for nose reshaping surgery.

Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Specialist Plastic Surgery Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Revision Rhinoplasty Facelift Eyelid Surgery Lip Augmentation Facial Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Expert Dr Binder. For more details visit :

Article Source:

Aug 1

The Best Solution To Hair Fall, Weak And Dull Hair}

Posted on Saturday, August 1, 2020 in Plastic Surgery



Pandey Nirmal


Who does not like a beautiful, healthy mane to adorn their heads? Thick, lustrous hairy is always associated with a healthy, attractive person. The hairy care industry is churning billions of dollars trying to promise people healthier, better looking strands.

What happens when one suddenly starts experiencing hair loss? How would they feel if it keep falling all over their beds, chairs and bathrooms? It is a very difficult position to be in. Doctors assure that 50-100 strands fall everyday and these are replaced by newer once. If the numbers go beyond this, then it will definitely result in hairy loss.

What can be done?

Starting on Grocapix Gel is probably the easiest and quickest solution for hairy loss. Grocapix Gel is a product of Alembic Pharma. Alembic Pharmaceuticals is Asias very popular brand that serves people in more than 75 countries all over the world.

Grocapix Gel is a much researched and developed product from this brand. It is in fact patented for the usage of four Biochanin rich amino acids in its composition. Grocapix is considered a treatment formula for:


Seasonal hairy loss

Post menopausal loss

Age related loss and

Generic hair breakage

It contains 2 major ingredients that work wonders in controlling and promoting faster growth of hair.

1.Biochanin A

This ingredient naturally inhibits Dihydro testosterone (DHT), which plays a large role in hair breakage, especially in male pattern baldness. It also modulates free radical damage to the scalp, protecting the hair and scalp.


Capixyl is a natural product and contains bio metric peptide and red clover. It helps stop the conversion of testosterone to 5 DHT. This process is the main cause for damage and by inhibiting this, the body is suppressed of the act of damaging and promotes regrowth instead.

How to use Grocapix Gel?

This product is a leave on serum. This means that it need not be washed off post application. On cleaned and dried hairy, the gel needs to be applied all over the scalp and gently massaged. The massaging helps the gel get absorbed deep into the scalp. The product stays on the surface all day long and works on inhibiting damage and promoting regrowth.

Where does one buy anti hair loss products?

Grocapix will cost INR 1190 for a 60 gram tube and INR 1790 for a 100 gram tube. is an ecommerce website that right now is offering a discount on the same. Users can avail cash on delivery option and also get the product home delivered all over India.

Does hairy loss mean anything serious?

In most cases, eating healthy food, including a lot of proteins in diet, using good hair care products etc. should help control the same. In few cases, it can also be a result of an inlying medical condition. It is hence necessary to consult a doctor of the problem persists even after the above mentioned treatments. is an Online Health care store. It offers a large variety of products ranging from personal care, baby care, beauty care, baby care products like Grocapix gel to food supplements, wellness devices, sports and fitness equipments and accessories. Packing and shipping are done in an expert way so as to avoid any damage and to ensure product delivery on time. Cash on Delivery facility is available for all products.

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